Apply in one of our branches to get INSTANT cashon hands!

Apply at a branch office
Sales network

      Partner locations

      Partner Locations

      To raise funds, you need to go to your nearest
      location with our paying partners. Use the map below to find the nearest location.

      How to Apply Instore

      Find your nearest location
      Find your nearest location

      Using the map above find the nearest or most convenient location for you to apply. If you need help with this, give us a call.

      Apply in store
      Apply in store

      You will need an ID card, mobile phone number and your JMBG. Have them ready before going to not lose time.

      Receive your money
      Receive your money

      After the application has been reviewed, go to the closest payment point at one of our partner locations to receive your money.

      Need some help?

      Our operators are ready to help. Just call our number between office hours and we’ll help you complete your application.

      (071) 111-111

      Пон - пет 08:00 - 20:00
      Саб 09:00 - 17:00
      Main Menu

      Call back